A.I. Investor
Python Crash Course
Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
What Works on Wall Street
Data Science from Scratch
Stock Market Investing 1x1
A.I. Investor International
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends by Robert D. Edwards and John Magee
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Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
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Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
Python Programming   (2 Comments)

To cover Python programing as well as machine learning in one book the A.I. Investor goes over everything very quickly with few pages used for each subject. For a proper introduction to Python the Python Crash Course book is a much better guide.

3 years ago

Good details in this post.

3 years ago

Yeah, ok.

3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Machine Learning   (1 Comments)

This book is closer to what one might consider a complete book about machine learning.

3 years ago

Aurelien Geron is the GOAT.

3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor International
A.I. Investor International
More Advanced Content   (2 Comments)

This is the follow-on book from the same author. It covers much the same content though it goes into more depth and allows the machine leanring code to work on international markets too, as well as introducing advanced content such as modern portfolio theory.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Go away.

3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Stock Market Investing 1x1
Stock Market Investing 1x1
Simpler Content   

For the absolute basics about the stock market Stock Market Investing 1X1 is probably a better book. The A.I. Investor book tries to teach bits of investing as well as machine learning at the same time, which makes it feel a little cluttered.

3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Data Science from Scratch
Data Science from Scratch
Data Science Basics   (5 Comments)

To cover data-Science more completely this book does a better job. The A.I. Investor teaches investing at the same time, so fewer pages are used to teach the basics of machine learning. In fact the A.I. Investor is a smaller book.

3 years ago

I'd say Data Science From Scratch is one of the best books for total beginners.

3 years ago

Very good for beginners IMO.

3 years ago

It has a good explanation of Random Forests for laypersons.

3 years ago

But you might want a pure Python book.

3 years ago


3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image What Works on Wall Street
What Works on Wall Street
Systemasic Investing   (1 Comments)

An older book that considers a wide range of investment strategies is What Works on Wall Street. The tools from the A.I. Investor book can be used to explore many different investment strategies and backtest them, so this book would be a good addition.

3 years ago

A lot of things have moved on since then TBH, I don't think many of the findings then are applicable now.

3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Technical Analysis of Stock Trends by Robert D. Edwards and John Magee
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends by Robert D. Edwards and John Magee
A Book About Technical Analysis in Stock Trading   

Although coming from a very different perspective from ordinary investing based on fundamentals, there is a lot of good content here in the dark art of Technical Analysis.

This is the book that Paul Tudor Jones heavily recommends. From the perspective of Technical Analysis investing seems to take on a role closer to that of a poker game than a strategy game. There's merit in considering both approaches in my opinion.

3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Fundamental Analysis, Value Investing and Growth Investing
Fundamental Analysis, Value Investing and Growth Investing
Great book on investing   

3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor International
A.I. Investor International
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Foundational content prequel   

This is a simpler book from the same author, obviously written as a feeder took as the content is simpler and leads on to International A.I. Investor.

3 years ago
Book cover image Data Science from Scratch
Data Science from Scratch
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Data Science Investing   

To use Data Science tools to pick stocks there isn't much around currently when it comes to long term investment. This book does that though.

3 years ago
Book cover image Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python for Algorithmic Trading
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Applied Python for Value Investing   

Applied Python for Value Investing. This is a different approach to trading, and also more amateur in nature, though more applied.

3 years ago
Book cover image A random walk down Wall Street
A random walk down Wall Street
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
More complex Modern-Day Content   

For a more technical view of stock investing the A.I. Investor can show a lot of the quantitative side of investing that A Random Walk On Wall Street Lacks.

3 years ago
Book cover image Julian Robertson : A Tiger in the Land of Bulls and Bears
Julian Robertson : A Tiger in the Land of Bulls and Bears
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Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
A Technical Book for Investment Techniques With Code   

This book is interesting in that it looks at all these value investing strategies in a way where you see all the code and explanations are there too.

3 years ago
Book cover image The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing: Morningstar
The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing: Morningstar's Guide to Building Wealth and Winning in the Market
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
I think this conneciton should exist   

Pat Dorsey goes through the super classic stuff (discounted cash flows, economic moat, margin of safety, etc.) where the tools you need to use are basically Excel. There's ways to leverage Machine Learning to pick stocks too.

3 years ago
Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Applied Python for Value Investing   (1 Comments)

I think this connection should exist.

3 years ago

Yes, really.

3 years ago
Book cover image The Little Book that Still Beats the Market
The Little Book that Still Beats the Market
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Applied Python for Value Investing   

3 years ago
Book cover image The Intelligent Investor
The Intelligent Investor
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Applied Python for Value Investing   

Applied Python for Value Investing

3 years ago
Book cover image Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Machine Learning for Investing   

I wrote this book :) Basically the Machine Learning tools are the same, except in this book I deliberately set out at the beginning to make it pick stock for you that you might invest in.

3 years ago
Book cover image What Works on Wall Street
What Works on Wall Street
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Basic Quantitative Investing   

Modern day tools to do this kind of quant investing yorself.

3 years ago

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