Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Engineering Tribology
Contact Mechanics
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Book cover image Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
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Book cover image Engineering Tribology
Engineering Tribology
Tribology and Contact Mechanics Generally   

3 years ago
Book cover image Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
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Book cover image Contact Mechanics
Contact Mechanics
I think this connection should exist   

3 years ago
Book cover image Engineering Tribology
Engineering Tribology
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Book cover image Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Foundational Book in Tribology   (2 Comments)

Elastohydrodynamics by Ramsey Gohar is a must-read book for students of Tribology. There probably isn't a Tribologist around not that hasn't read this book.

3 years ago

Ramsey Gohar wrote quite a good book.

3 years ago


3 years ago
Book cover image Contact Mechanics
Contact Mechanics
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Book cover image Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)

3 years ago
Book cover image Tribology
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Book cover image Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Another Tribology Book   

Ramsey Gohar makes an excellent general book on the subject of Tribology that is well worth reading.

3 years ago
Book cover image Friction, Lubrication And Wear of Artificial Joints Tribology Meets Medical Engineering
Friction, Lubrication And Wear of Artificial Joints Tribology Meets Medical Engineering
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Book cover image Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Ramsey Gohar   

3 years ago
Book cover image Biotribology
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Book cover image Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Elastohydrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Basic Tribology Textbook   

3 years ago

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