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Book cover image Vector Calculus
Vector Calculus
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Book cover image Fluid Mechanics: Volume 6
Fluid Mechanics: Volume 6
Fluid flow   (2 Comments)

Once the vector calculus is out of the way, fluid mechanics is a natural progression. Landau and Lifshitz textbooks are true classics.

3 years ago

It's quite a stretch to go from the yellow Vector Calculus book straight to Landau and Lifshitz. There should be an intermediate book, something with continuum integrals would do nicely.

3 years ago

Still... It's Landau and Lifshitz, truly a classic!

3 years ago
Book cover image Vector Calculus
Vector Calculus
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Book cover image Vector Analysis
Vector Analysis
Historically significant vector analysis text   (2 Comments)

If you enjoy Vector Calculus and all that it can do, why not see the first hand lectures from the guy that invested it (Gibbs).

3 years ago

This isn't from Gibbs himself, there's another book for that, though this book is better because it formalised everything, and is pretty darn close to firsthand anyway.

3 years ago

Furthermore it's really not useful, it's a nice historic text, but the modern way of laying out the exercises in a modern textbook is much easier to comprehend.

3 years ago
Book cover image Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
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Book cover image Vector Calculus
Vector Calculus
A good book for vector calculus only   

3 years ago
Book cover image Engineering mathematics
Engineering mathematics
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Book cover image Vector Calculus
Vector Calculus
A good book covering vector calculus   

Once the basic maths are mastered with Stroud, "Vector Calculus" is a good book to get your head around vectors.

3 years ago
Book cover image Fluid Mechanics: Volume 6
Fluid Mechanics: Volume 6
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Book cover image Vector Calculus
Vector Calculus
Simpler book   

Landau and Lifshitz is an advanced postgraduate level text. For the absolute basics on fluid flow and vector calculus the yellow "Vector Calculus" book is very good, especially if you like following exercises to understand the mathematics behind that is going on.

3 years ago
Book cover image Vector Analysis
Vector Analysis
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Book cover image Vector Calculus
Vector Calculus
Good Modern Textbook on Vector Calculus   

3 years ago
Book cover image No Ordinary Genius: The Illustrated Richard Feynman
No Ordinary Genius: The Illustrated Richard Feynman
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Book cover image Vector Calculus
Vector Calculus
For Vector Maths Practice   

3 years ago

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