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Book cover image Transport Phenomena
Transport Phenomena
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Book cover image Chemical Reaction Engineering
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Reaction Engineering   

Typically in Chemical Engineering transport phenomena is only half of the story: some chemical process is going on inside that material that is transported around, for that Levenspiel is highly regarded for doing the basic calculations for chemical reactions.

3 years ago
Book cover image Transport Phenomena
Transport Phenomena
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Book cover image Coulson & Richardson
Coulson & Richardson's Chemical Engineering Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer
Coulson & Richardson Book On The Same Subject   

Same subject, but perhaps laid out in a more practical manner.

3 years ago
Book cover image Introduction To Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Introduction To Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
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Book cover image Transport Phenomena
Transport Phenomena
Mass, Heat and Momentum Transport Book   (1 Comments)

3 years ago

Though not a thermodynamics book, it's quite likely that readers of one will have read the other since they are both Chemical Engineering specific texts.

3 years ago
Book cover image Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
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Book cover image Transport Phenomena
Transport Phenomena
Advanced Chemical Engineering   

For a maths book that's a bit more targeted towards Chemical Engineers Bird Stewart is generally accepted as a good book.

3 years ago
Book cover image Chemical Reaction Engineering
Chemical Reaction Engineering
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Book cover image Transport Phenomena
Transport Phenomena
Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer   

Good textbook on transport equations e.g. heat transfer Navier Stokes etc.

3 years ago

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