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Book cover image Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python for Algorithmic Trading
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Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
Python Programming   

Python knowledge is assumed, so for beginners you can't go wrong with the Python Crash Course.

3 years ago
Book cover image Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python for Algorithmic Trading
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Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Applied Python for Value Investing   

Applied Python for Value Investing. This is a different approach to trading, and also more amateur in nature, though more applied.

3 years ago
Book cover image Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python for Algorithmic Trading
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Book cover image What Works on Wall Street
What Works on Wall Street
Systematic investing strategies   (1 Comments)

A bit longer-term oriented, and with no programming (it's an older book), though the framework for finding strategies is quite relevant.

3 years ago

I don't think that book is too relevant.

3 years ago
Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
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Book cover image Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python for Trading   

Python is used a lot for algorithmic trading.

3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor International
A.I. Investor International
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python for Algorithmic Trading
Algorithmic trading   

For Python usage for trading rather than investing this is a great book to learn from.

3 years ago

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