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Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
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Book cover image Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python for Trading   

Python is used a lot for algorithmic trading.

3 years ago
Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
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Book cover image Data Science from Scratch
Data Science from Scratch
Data Science   

For super basic data science stuff after Machine Learning I'd recommend this book if you've never come across the prediction algorithms before.

3 years ago
Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
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Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Applied Python for Value Investing   (1 Comments)

I think this connection should exist.

3 years ago

Yes, really.

3 years ago
Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Python Machine Learning   

If you plan on using machine learning stuff then you're probably better off starting with Hands-On Machine Learning.

3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor
A.I. Investor
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
Python Programming   (2 Comments)

To cover Python programing as well as machine learning in one book the A.I. Investor goes over everything very quickly with few pages used for each subject. For a proper introduction to Python the Python Crash Course book is a much better guide.

3 years ago

Good details in this post.

3 years ago

Yeah, ok.

3 years ago
Book cover image A.I. Investor International
A.I. Investor International
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
Python Programming   (1 Comments)

For general learning about Python, Python crash course is a great book.

3 years ago

It's great for non-programmers starting out i'd say.

3 years ago
Book cover image Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python for Algorithmic Trading
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
Python Programming   

Python knowledge is assumed, so for beginners you can't go wrong with the Python Crash Course.

3 years ago
Book cover image Data Science from Scratch
Data Science from Scratch
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
Python Programming   

To cover Python well it's a good idea to have a dedicated book for it, there's only so much that Google can help you with. Python Crash Course is great for that.

3 years ago
Book cover image Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Image of arrow from book1 to book2
Book cover image Python Crash Course
Python Crash Course
Python Programming   

For Python programming generally, inc. how to start it up and make it run code and best practices etc. the Crash Course book is good.

3 years ago

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